Monday, November 1, 2010

Meet the teacher and IEP

So last week I had a quick "meet the teacher" appointment with Ronnie's teacher Anna.  She seems to a lovely woman who really likes the kids in her class which is great; and Ronnie, being Ronnie, has managed to wrap everyone at school around her little finger... everyone knows Ronnie.

Anyway, so the really good news is that this year we get to update her IEP and one of the things we want to focus on is communication.  Her teacher and I agree that Ronnie is now at a place where we can start using pictograms.  I want to start basic and only focus on a couple; like Yes, No, More, Hungry, Thirsty.  Although it would be hysterical to get her signing something rude to her sister I don't think we are there yet.  That's what her parents are for; we've got your back baby : )

It was also quite interesting to discover things she does at school that she does not do at home and vice versa.  She will stand and lean on a table while getting her diaper changed at school but at home, she plays rolly-polly-crocodile-death-spiral on us when we change her diaper (you want an extreme sport?  Try changing and Angel-diaper - most people break a sweat)..

They get her to craw and we get her to walk up stairs.  They can leave a bowl on food on her tray and we have to keep it away from her fast hands and longer arms or she knocks it to the ground.  They can't get her to eat anyting but pasta and we can get her to eat practically everything - no matter how spicy it may be.

All this to say that I'm looking forward to adjusting her IEP and placing concrete goals versus pie-in-the-sky generic ones. Thanks to the Angelman Conference this summer I actually fee like I'll know what I'm doing this time around.

'til next time.

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