Friday, November 19, 2010

I was dumped from Harry Potter night

So, when Emma was 8 or 9 years old and watching wayyyyyy too much TV, I decided that we would "read" the Harry Potter books.  It took us almost a full academic year but we read all seven books out loud. 

When we started reading the first book, she would pout and get mad every time I pulled it out.  But before the first week was up, she was jumping into her p.j.s and throwing the book at me barking out one word: "READ".  Since those days she has become an voracious reader (which is great) and a Harry Potter fanatic (which is a little scary sometimes).  However, J.K. Rowling has done an increadible thing and opened up the imagination of millions of kids worldwide. 

Beginning with the second movie, it was a tradition that I would take Emma and one of her friends who is just as fanatic, to see the HP movies when they come out.  This HP7 was not different.  It had been planned since "like forever" that I would take them on opening night (tonight) to see it.  Instead, I got dumped...

A group of her friends (originally slated to be about 7) decided they were going to go and I was not invited.  I tried my best to guilt her into it, but it didn't work.  Today is opening day and the group of 7 has been reduced to 3, and just to show I hold no hard feelings, I even bought them their tickets in advance.  And no, I'm still not allowed to go.

'til next time.

P.S.: my favorite character is Mrs. Weasley.  She rocks.

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