Monday, November 15, 2010

Daily affirmations; sort of

So, I've decided to try and post on a daily basis and use this as a short of journal-ish thing.  I'm not sure if this will work or even be interesting to anyone but me, but it is something I'd like to try.  I think this was my original thought process anyway, but I have such a hard time committing to these things....

Anyhoo, here goes: We actually had a pretty good weekend until we tried to play with both Emma and Ronnie at the same time.  Poor Ronnie: her butt must get so numb 'cause sometimes she spends hours sitting in her chair.  I'm out and about with Emma and Brian is doing stuff around the house and we just don't have time to play with her like good parents.  Anyway, so yesterday I took her out of her chair and placed her on the floor and I sat at the other end of the hallway and encouraged her to crawl toward me; which she did.  Then Brian sat down at the other end and she crawled towards him.  Then Emma came and sat with me and Ronnie gave up crawling - she was with her dad and so all was good in the world.  Finally Brian got up and walked her towards Emma and me and we were all laughing... until Ronnie got too close for Emma's liking and she started to freak.  Now granted Ronnie stepped on her but I hardly think she was cutting off Emma breath and was practically suffocating her as Emma would have us believe. 

I get scared when I think of Ronnie's future. What will it be like?  Who will take care of her?  Will she be stuck in an institution/half way home with no one to look out for her?  I know it is not Emma's responsibility to take care of her but sometimes I wonder if she will even acknowledge the fact that she has a sister when we are no longer around to force it.  I wish Emma would let herself go enough to enjoy Ronnie for who she is and ignore the fact that she drools.  (if this being written on paper rather a screen, there would be little tear stains on the page; how's that for pathetic).

Anyway, Emma and I had a good chat afterwards where she finally admitted that she would be sad if something happened to her sister.  This I can work with; indifference is a different beast all together.  I'm done now.

'til next time.

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