Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Democratic process... really?

So I don't get it.  Ronnie's day camp has a board of directors, and as a group we meet to discuss various issues; sometimes we even decide on things.  For example, it was decided that this year, no employee would use her personal vehicle to transport the kids to and from the various outings. 

Because we have to use an adapted bus, the cost of the outings can be quite prohibitive.  For example, tomorrow they are supposed to go to the beach and the price is $20/kid for 18 kids + shadows.  Unfortunately, only 4 kids have signed up for the outing.  So, rather than cancel the outing, we get this notice asking for our approval to have one of the girls who works at the daycamp drive Ronnie in her car... after the BOD decided this was not acceptable.

It becomes a matter of insurance: I'm not sure that the daycamp insurance would cover this type of activity if there was an accident and I'm pretty sure their personal vehicle insurance would not cover it either.  We could ask the girls to have this added to their insurance for the summer but then the camp would have to reimburse the girls the cost... As a non-profit, we just don't have the money for that.

Anyhow I call up the coordinator and sort of ask 'where you not at the meeting that this was discussed?...' and she says 'yes but I called this person (who happens to be the president of the Board) who said to do it anyway - just get the parents to sign this waiver;'.. I mean seriously... didn't we make this decision?  If your going to ignore the decision made by the Board, why discuss it at all?  I don't get it.

Needless to say, Ronnie is not going on the outing.

I'm done venting now:)

til next time.


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