Sunday, March 20, 2011

A new week begins

So as my husband so skillfully cooks our vegetarian dinner (sweet and sour soba noodles with asparagus), I contemplate the week to come:

1) I have to finish my prep for Ronnie's day camp - the annual general meeting prep is in one week and as the Secretary I have to produce a bunch of documents;
2) Emma has to finish her product for the upcoming Invention Convention (some kind of bird house contraption that I hope won't make the birds seasick) and while I don't have an active role in that, we will need to drive her to her friends house and make sure they have the time to finish it and the report;
3) also make sure that Emma has time to type up her short story.  Her class has written short stories and they will be going to some elementary school to read them to some of the students.  Again I don't have an active role except to try to make sure she stays calm... a job for someone much more patient than me believe me...
4) have to attend a production of Othello being given at her school for fundraising.  The grade 7 parents will be hosting a dinner theatre next year so we have to attend to find out how it works... she will be serving and clearning.  Ha!!
5) somewhere in there both Brian and I want to take some time to get to the gym.  I'm still to new to the gym to have garnered any benefit (ie weight loss or tighter flab on my arms) but hopefully this will come with time.
6) every other little job that my husband and I do around the house that keep it running on three wheels...
7) find time to be with me and my hubby... and to tell him I love him.

There are probably plenty of other things I have forgotten but that's all I can think of for now.

'til next time.

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