Friday, March 25, 2011

The generosity of kids

I have to admit that the title of this blog is a little sarcastic.  Emma has been sick and she has generously shared her germs with me so now I am sick... We are supposed to go to her school tonight to watch a presentation of Othello done by the Bardolators (student Shakespeare group) but I don't think I'm going to make.  It's too bad because 1) Emma wants to audition for them next year and be part of the Bardolators and 2) if is a fundraising thing for her trip to India.

However, the reality is that my eyes are leaking, my nose is leaking and I'm hot and cold all at the same time.  I'd be annoyed if someone was there and looked like me so I think I'll spare the innocent bystanders and not go.  We have a sitter anyway for Ronnie, so I think I might just go do the groceries and eat a light meal by myself.  Less money for the sitter but at least the other play watchers won't have to sit through me sniffling and blowing...

On the up side, I received our first gift cards from the fundraising thing and have gotten a couple of order for coffee.  This is going to be a looooong fundraising jaunt but I'm sort of encouraged.  Hopefully we won't have to outlay too much cash ourselves.

Oh, and I've confirmed our vacation to Disney and Universal Studios.  Got our plane tickets and was a little disappointed that Emma was so calm about it but she says she's not looking forward to the flight.  She'll have a spaz when we get the tickets for Disney and Universal.  Can't believe we are actually going to do this.  Wow; it will be an adventure.

'til next time.

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