Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dealing with scars

So we had a very interesting weekend.  Spent a good portion of it worrying about Emma and talking to her about what she is doing to herself.  It's very difficult to feel so helpless when my child is clearly hurting but all I can do is talk and hope that at some level she is hearing what I am saying.

In the meantime, I've spoken to the guidance councillor at school and I've set things in motion for hubby and I to met with a therapist.  We want to develop some strategies for how to deal with this.  I know Emma just wants to pretend it never happened but it did happen.  We can't ignore it.  Stress is a forever-kind of thing and the earlier she can establish coping mechanisms the better off she will be.  She also has to come to some kind of acknowledgement of what caused it.

It was really interesting talking to her; most of the time she was just 'yah; I know; blah, blah, blah'.  But every now and again, we'd see the truth lurking.  The truth is she is a scared little girl.  She was bullied in grade 5 and it has left some pretty phenomenal scars the depth of which we never quite realized.  Perphas if we had realized we wouldn't be here today, but we didn't.  Now we have to move forward and try to help her heal.

That's the best we can do, I think.

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