Thursday, January 27, 2011

Another vegetarian; sort of

So Emma has decided that she wants to try being a vegetarian for one week – although she will make an exception for bacon! 
So Brian is trying to make some new dinners that are vegetarian friendly and interesting for everyone.  On Monday, we had an Orzo Minestrone stew which was really tasty.  Instead of meat he added some chickpeas and it was really nice.  He also added some spicy red pepper tomatoes (canned from Aylmer I think) and they have a quite a quick to them.  On Tuesday we had something called Buddha’s Delight which was veggies and noodles.  It was okay but a little bland.
Then last night we had pizza for supper.  It was only about half an hour later that I realized that Emma and I shared a pizza and that it was not vegetarian pizza… Emma looked at me and said “it had bacon, duh”. 
So on Sunday to make things easier for Emma I roasted some vegetables and made them into a sandwich.  I sort of grilled the sandwich afterwards to make it like a Panini. Did she appreciate it?  No, she didn’t.  Said the sandwich was crappy.  Ungrateful chit…
Anyway, the downside for me is that I’ve been temporarily abandoned by my meat-loving buddy.  Oh well, as long as I don’t have to eat tofu more than twice a week and that I can still get my chicken, beef or porc a couple of times a week I’ll be happy.
‘til next time.

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