Thursday, August 12, 2010

My first post

I think I'm feeling jealous of the time my hubby spends on the web searching and reading various Zen blogs... I supposed it is kind of petty to be jealous of time spent trying to find inner peace, but, there you have it.  Not one of my prouder moments....

I've been wanting to start a blog/diary/journal to chart the family adventures for quite some time now.  Not that my family is more interesting than anyone else's but we have had some adventures that others perhpas have not shared.  For example, I have an angel in my life that is very special to me.  I'm not talking about an angel-with-wings-angel but a child with Angelman syndrome.  My youngest daughter is nine years old and was diagnosed with this genetic disorder just after her second birthday (more details on this to come).

I also have a twelve year old pre-teen daughter who is refusing to wear any colour but black; not because she feels black on the inside but, well, I haven't quite figure out why yet.  She's about to start high school and although a great kid, she can be a tad challenging (as all kids can be).

As mentioned above I also have a wonderful husband who is trying to navigate his way to Buddhism in a house where religion is not taken very seriously and where I sort of zone out after a bit.  But I'm trying to be supportive which is a good thing. 

I also have a mixed beagle-cocker spaniel dog with special needs.  She has seizures which can be tad frightening is you've never seen anyone never mind a dog have a seizure.

Anyway, I have to go back to work but I hope to use this blog to talk about family, life, dogs and food.  Yes my hubby is a vegetarian and I am not... actually we are split 50/50 with me and the pre-teen being carnivorous and my hubby and Angel being herbivores...

Til next time...

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