Thursday, September 9, 2010

Transportation adventures

So yesterday, Emma and two of her friends boarded the wrong commuter train leaving school and ended up over the bridge on the South Shore of Montreal.  Thankfully her grandparents live about 10 minutes away and even more miraculous... they were home.  They picked up the girls and drove them to our house (took just over 1 hours) which sort of makes them the heroes of the story.

Despite saying she was not scared (okay only a little bit at first), I can't help remembering a time when I missed my bus stop coming home from Christmas Shopping.  I was probably about the same age as Emma but since cell phones didn't exist in those days (shocking as that may seem), there was no way to get in touch with my mum to let her know I was lost.  The bus driver took pity on me and drove me home... Seriously, next thing my mum knew there was this giant sized city-bus pulling up in front of our house and me getting off it.

I'm glad everything worked out for the girls and I'm pretty sure they will be paying more attention next time they have to take a different train home from school, but the whole situation made us wonder about other parents and their reactions.  None of the parents of the other two girls called us to say thank you for arranging their return, not even to acknowledge that the girls had an adventure.  Now, I don't need abject gratitude but a thanks from the other parents would have been nice.  Once set of parents was out for dinner and NOT going to pick up their daughter (in fact she walked home from our house; again, my parent saw her by the side of the road and drove her home), and they kid stayed with us for a good 30-45 minutes before he dad showed up to pick her up.... Is it just me?  These girls are 12 not 21... they are still kids who got scared and just want to go home... people are weird...

Til next time...

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