Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Uncle Fester and the boring days

Dear Uncle Fester,

It's Wednesday evening and I have to admit that I'm getting tired. Got up at 5am this morning to go for a run. Felt a little self-righteous about it this morning but now it's finally catching up to me. I'm going to try to make it through Iron Chef but there is no guarantee.

So you remember that Brian works at the Vets Hospital, right? Well they seem to be in the middle of a transfer to the provincial government and he seems to be in a good place to maintain his position. That is very good news indeed. Although he has been the acting captain for the last couple of months and that seems to be working well as well.

As for me as much as I like my job there are a lot of changes coming up. One boss is stepping down and the other will be stepping up as interim director. I'm not worried; Laura and I get along fine but it will be different. I'm also feeling a little isolated. I'm not sure why. Humm...something to think about.

Day camp seems to be going well and tomorrow's they have their first outing. Should be interesting to get some feedback on that.

Emma is good. I'm still trying to figure out the whole Gabriel thing. They seem to be good friends but if there is more she ain't admitting it. We don't really have an isue but if she would come right out with it...

Sorry Uncle Fester, I don't have anything interesting today. Maybe tomorrow.

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