After being victim to the blue-screen-of-death, my computer at work had to be re-imaged and I lost all the pictures I had on it. So I've been having fun the last couple of weeks going through some older USB sticks with pix of the girls, Brian and myself. Found some really cute ones of Emma when she wasn't being such a snooty pre-teen (not that she ever does that...) and some really cute ones of Ronnie. I guess looking at my kids every day, I stopped noticing how much they've changed over the years. Ronnie has changed even from the front pix of this blog which I only started a few months ago.
Here's a pix of me and the girls at a replica Iroquois village taken this summer but Emma's hair is no where near that short anymore. Anyway, all that to say that kids change so quickly in looks and personality that just when you think you now them inside out, they change.
I'm so glad that they are mine... my life is all the better for their being in it.
That's my philosophical statement for the day:)
'til next time.
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