Tonight I have to go to a meeting for Veronica's day camp. It is a not-for-profit community organization and I am the secretary on the Board of Directors. The day camp is specifically for kids with disabilities AND most particularly for kids that cannot be integrated into their municipal day camp; or for kids whose parents choose not the integrate them into their municipal day camp.
I'm hoping the meeting doesn't last as long as last time - it went until almost 11:00pm... I was one tired duckling the next day.
Anyway, we are planning for the annual general meeting which is to take place in two weeks and I feel like I've done a crap load of work in preparation for it. I revised all the registration forms (both english and french); prepared all the health information forms (again in english and french); revised the agenda, and put together to book of resolutions. This doesn't include preparing the minutes of the last meeting and the agenda for tonight... Hopefully Karine will have prepared the financial statement. It's the only thing she has to do but it seems to be right complicated; she has a difficult time understanding that we need up-to-date financial statements at every meeting including what has been cashed/deposited not just a balance.
Then there is the one lone guy on the committee. He's very nice and seems to be quite knowledgable but somehow he escapes with nothing to do. We need to organize a big ticket fundraiser and I've started looking into something I think is quite original; maybe we'll see if he can lead that facet.
Anyway, I hope the meeting goes well and that there are no surprises. Will let you know.
'til next time.
My life with an Angel, a teenage daughter, husband, special needs dog and our adventures with vegetarianism. My hubby's, not mine.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Here's a pix of me and the girls at a replica Iroquois village taken this summer but Emma's hair is no where near that short anymore. Anyway, all that to say that kids change so quickly in looks and personality that just when you think you now them inside out, they change.
I'm so glad that they are mine... my life is all the better for their being in it.
That's my philosophical statement for the day:)
'til next time.
Friday, March 25, 2011
The generosity of kids
I have to admit that the title of this blog is a little sarcastic. Emma has been sick and she has generously shared her germs with me so now I am sick... We are supposed to go to her school tonight to watch a presentation of Othello done by the Bardolators (student Shakespeare group) but I don't think I'm going to make. It's too bad because 1) Emma wants to audition for them next year and be part of the Bardolators and 2) if is a fundraising thing for her trip to India.
However, the reality is that my eyes are leaking, my nose is leaking and I'm hot and cold all at the same time. I'd be annoyed if someone was there and looked like me so I think I'll spare the innocent bystanders and not go. We have a sitter anyway for Ronnie, so I think I might just go do the groceries and eat a light meal by myself. Less money for the sitter but at least the other play watchers won't have to sit through me sniffling and blowing...
On the up side, I received our first gift cards from the fundraising thing and have gotten a couple of order for coffee. This is going to be a looooong fundraising jaunt but I'm sort of encouraged. Hopefully we won't have to outlay too much cash ourselves.
Oh, and I've confirmed our vacation to Disney and Universal Studios. Got our plane tickets and was a little disappointed that Emma was so calm about it but she says she's not looking forward to the flight. She'll have a spaz when we get the tickets for Disney and Universal. Can't believe we are actually going to do this. Wow; it will be an adventure.
'til next time.
However, the reality is that my eyes are leaking, my nose is leaking and I'm hot and cold all at the same time. I'd be annoyed if someone was there and looked like me so I think I'll spare the innocent bystanders and not go. We have a sitter anyway for Ronnie, so I think I might just go do the groceries and eat a light meal by myself. Less money for the sitter but at least the other play watchers won't have to sit through me sniffling and blowing...
On the up side, I received our first gift cards from the fundraising thing and have gotten a couple of order for coffee. This is going to be a looooong fundraising jaunt but I'm sort of encouraged. Hopefully we won't have to outlay too much cash ourselves.
Oh, and I've confirmed our vacation to Disney and Universal Studios. Got our plane tickets and was a little disappointed that Emma was so calm about it but she says she's not looking forward to the flight. She'll have a spaz when we get the tickets for Disney and Universal. Can't believe we are actually going to do this. Wow; it will be an adventure.
'til next time.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Texting when sick
For those of you without a pre-teen/I-am-1-month-away-from-being-a-teen-daughter, I'll let you in on a little secret: they are utterly hysterical when they get sick. Okay, I guess it depends on the kid in question and the situation itself. Sometimes Emma can be totally unbearable but this time she's just funny. She keeps sending me texts and I can't help it; I went from feeling bad that we sent her to school to sharing with the co-workers to laughing hysterically:
1) "my throat hurts and it now feels like I'm going to cough up blood - can't someone come and get me? - sigh"
2) "plz.... now I'm dizzy. i ate pudding and i my throat still hurts"
3) "sigh, barf, ouch"
4) "No, I was 2 busy being in a slump when I woke up my hand was like impaled and now theres something coming out of it and ryan said it looked like a cocoon..."
5) my favorite so far: "my throat really hurts and now it feels like theres a hard lump in it and I think its larengitis but no one wants to come and get me.... sigh"
Poor baby...
'til next time.
1) "my throat hurts and it now feels like I'm going to cough up blood - can't someone come and get me? - sigh"
2) "plz.... now I'm dizzy. i ate pudding and i my throat still hurts"
3) "sigh, barf, ouch"
4) "No, I was 2 busy being in a slump when I woke up my hand was like impaled and now theres something coming out of it and ryan said it looked like a cocoon..."
5) my favorite so far: "my throat really hurts and now it feels like theres a hard lump in it and I think its larengitis but no one wants to come and get me.... sigh"
Poor baby...
'til next time.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
A new week begins
So as my husband so skillfully cooks our vegetarian dinner (sweet and sour soba noodles with asparagus), I contemplate the week to come:
1) I have to finish my prep for Ronnie's day camp - the annual general meeting prep is in one week and as the Secretary I have to produce a bunch of documents;
2) Emma has to finish her product for the upcoming Invention Convention (some kind of bird house contraption that I hope won't make the birds seasick) and while I don't have an active role in that, we will need to drive her to her friends house and make sure they have the time to finish it and the report;
3) also make sure that Emma has time to type up her short story. Her class has written short stories and they will be going to some elementary school to read them to some of the students. Again I don't have an active role except to try to make sure she stays calm... a job for someone much more patient than me believe me...
4) have to attend a production of Othello being given at her school for fundraising. The grade 7 parents will be hosting a dinner theatre next year so we have to attend to find out how it works... she will be serving and clearning. Ha!!
5) somewhere in there both Brian and I want to take some time to get to the gym. I'm still to new to the gym to have garnered any benefit (ie weight loss or tighter flab on my arms) but hopefully this will come with time.
6) every other little job that my husband and I do around the house that keep it running on three wheels...
7) find time to be with me and my hubby... and to tell him I love him.
There are probably plenty of other things I have forgotten but that's all I can think of for now.
'til next time.
1) I have to finish my prep for Ronnie's day camp - the annual general meeting prep is in one week and as the Secretary I have to produce a bunch of documents;
2) Emma has to finish her product for the upcoming Invention Convention (some kind of bird house contraption that I hope won't make the birds seasick) and while I don't have an active role in that, we will need to drive her to her friends house and make sure they have the time to finish it and the report;
3) also make sure that Emma has time to type up her short story. Her class has written short stories and they will be going to some elementary school to read them to some of the students. Again I don't have an active role except to try to make sure she stays calm... a job for someone much more patient than me believe me...
4) have to attend a production of Othello being given at her school for fundraising. The grade 7 parents will be hosting a dinner theatre next year so we have to attend to find out how it works... she will be serving and clearning. Ha!!
5) somewhere in there both Brian and I want to take some time to get to the gym. I'm still to new to the gym to have garnered any benefit (ie weight loss or tighter flab on my arms) but hopefully this will come with time.
6) every other little job that my husband and I do around the house that keep it running on three wheels...
7) find time to be with me and my hubby... and to tell him I love him.
There are probably plenty of other things I have forgotten but that's all I can think of for now.
'til next time.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Yay!! The carnivores won one back
OMG, I can't believe how long its been since I've written in here! I'm now trying to decide if my life has just been soooo busy that I couldn't find the time or if I had just run out of inspiration. Whatever the reason, I'm back and I hope to get back on track. Although I think daily posts are probably ambitious, I will try to post at least once a week. I think even I can manage that.
So the last time I posted Emma had decided to try being a vegetarian. Well, that lasted about two weeks which was about 10 days longer that I would have thought. Actually she did pretty well considering I was trying to get her to eat all the ickiest stuff... tofu fake meat; tofu vege paté... it was actually kind of funny. I think I had decided that if she was going to be vegetarian there was not going to be any halfway about it; it was whole hog or forget about it... after about 2 weeks she decided she was done. So the scales of balance have resettled with 2 vegetarians and 2 carnivores. All is well in my world :)
'til next time.
So the last time I posted Emma had decided to try being a vegetarian. Well, that lasted about two weeks which was about 10 days longer that I would have thought. Actually she did pretty well considering I was trying to get her to eat all the ickiest stuff... tofu fake meat; tofu vege paté... it was actually kind of funny. I think I had decided that if she was going to be vegetarian there was not going to be any halfway about it; it was whole hog or forget about it... after about 2 weeks she decided she was done. So the scales of balance have resettled with 2 vegetarians and 2 carnivores. All is well in my world :)
'til next time.
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